A Massage Therapist does not diagnose illness, disease or any other physical or mental disorder. A Massage Therapist does not prescribe medical treatment or pharmaceutical preparations, nor is Massage Therapy a substitute for a medical examination or treatment.
If you are currently under a physician's care for any of the following medical conditions, you may need to ask your physician if a massage is appropriate. In some cases, we may require a written note from your physician.
- Acute infectious diseases
- Skin rashes
- Atherosclerosis
- Embolism or thrombus (blood clotting)
- Some cancers
- Fever
- Heart attack (OK after complete recovery)
- Herpes (highly contagious when active; lesions can break out on arms, legs and back) Massage is ok when there are no visible lesions
- High risk pregnancy
- Skin infections
- Skin lesions/open wounds/sores
- Thrombophlebitis (blood clot)
- HIV and AIDS patients should seek a HIV-trained massage therapist (contact ABMP at 800-458-2267 or go to
- If you have been in an accident, see your health care provider before getting a massage, to be sure you have not been seriously injured.